Tuesday, 31 January 2012

So at the moment i am in my 2nd year of my honors degree in Fine Art and only now i feel that i am finding my own style of painting and discovered new meanings for my work. i want people to be able to relate to all of my work in some way so my current project is titled 'Discrimination' as i feel that everyone has been discriminated against or discriminated against somebody at a time in their life. i have so many ideas relating to this but only have until April to produce final pieces for a public exhibition! I am thinking of doing portraits of 2 different genders faces merged together and close up paintings of anorexic and obese bodies as i feel that these along with Homosexuality are the most open topics. i want my work to be as subtle as possible so people have time to view, be intrigued and take in what my work is about before judging.

Monday, 30 January 2012


So everybody seems to have a blog these days so i thought i may as well join in the trend and get blogging. my blog is mainly going to consist of my art work and influences although i am obliged to have a little rant every now and again... i am i woman after all :) so i hope whoever comes across this page enjoys viewing it and maybe take some influence away with you.